Destination Unknown

20 years ago, I started a second career as a motorcycle journalist, and I’ve been lucky enough to see many of the beautiful places in the world and publishing stories and photos of my adventures. I’ve started documenting my bicycle adventures in a similar fashion, and will be sharing those stories here. Please join me.

“The idea is to die young as late as possible

Ashley Montagu

The Latest Stuff…

  • Panasonic GH2 20mm F1.7 vs. Canon G10, originally uploaded by john m flores.Here’s something that vexes me about the GH2 – it sometimes feels a like a point-and-shoot, like a more advanced Canon G10. I haven’t quite put my finger on it. Is it the EVF, particularly in low light when it artificially amps the…

  • New York from West New York, New Jersey, originally uploaded by john m flores. Here’s a shot taken on New Year’s Day, admiring the New York skyline from West New York, New Jersey. No joke, there’s a town called West New York in New Jersey! This shot was taken with the Panasonic GH2 mated to…

  • Tai Chi Hot Dog, originally uploaded by john m flores. This is why you should always have your camera hanging around your neck, powered on and with the lens cap off. And this is what’s intriguing about the Panasonic GH2 – with one of the pancake primes mounted, you can carry it around your neck…

  • Panasonic GH2 with Pentax DA40 F2.8 Limited (via Fotodiox adapter) vs. Pentax MX with M50/F1.7, originally uploaded by john m flores. A little throwback today. To the right is the camera that was basically my photography high school and college, the venerable Pentax MX mated to an equally venerable M50/F1.7. Fully manual. I made plenty…

  • A munchkin eats a munchkin, originally uploaded by john m flores. I’m a luck guy – I get to pick up my nephew every Thursday from daycare. If he’s been a good kid and given a sticker at school, we go to Dunkin’ Donuts and get some Munchkins as a reward. This was a good…

  • Looks like I’m not the only that has got their grubby paws on the hard-to-find GH2. Architect Björn Utpott shares his thoughts on the GH2 as well as some nice photos. Check it out:

  • Panasonic GH2 20mm F1.7 vs. Pentax K-x 40mm F2.8 Limited, originally uploaded by john m flores. Another view of these two cameras to illustrate their relative size. The GH2 is definitely smaller than the K-x, but I’m waffling on whether or not the size difference is a big deal. Yes, I can stuff the GH2…

  • Nate, relaxed., originally uploaded by john m flores. Come to think of it, when isn’t he relaxed? Panasonic GH2 with 20/F1.7 prime. Shot at ISO800, F2.0, 1/50s. This was a difficult lighting situation – light streaming in through the window behind the cat. I had to really push the exposure to get the cat well…

  • Who’s a spoiled kitty?, originally uploaded by john m flores. It’s shot like these that continue to surprise me. F2.0, 1/50, ISO 1600. The light source are three dim LED lights and the dual monitors of the computer – check out Nate’s right eye. In Lightroom, all I did was place the white balance eye…

  • Mirror, mirror, on the wall…, originally uploaded by john m flores. I’ve been shooting with the Panasonic Lumix GH2 for the last week or so. It’s been an interesting experience to say the least, and has started me thinking about the future of mirrorless cameras. Can they eventually usurp the dSLR? Watch this space. Over…