Travel by Numbers

Gave me wings when I needed it.
Just returned from a weeklong motorcycle trip to the Canadian province of Quebec. I’m now transferring photos, videos, and GPS tracks to the computer, doing laundry, and getting back to normal life. It will be a while before I actually sit down to write the story and choose the photos, but the K-01 and K-5 worked out great for this trip.

Here’s the trip numbers:

7 Days
2354 Miles
50.6 MPH moving average
28.0 MPH overall average
46:33 hours riding
37:34 hours stopped (gives you an indication of how much time I spend on the side of the road taking photos!)

85 Gigabytes of photos and video
56 Video clips
~2,100 Photos (about 900 are taken with an intervalometer where I am putting the K-01 on the tripod and taking photos of me looking at the scenery)

How do the photos breakdown?
~1700 with the K-01
~400 with the K-5

And the lenses?
~280 taken with the Pentax DA10-17 (I cheated the last minute and replaced the DriftHD video camera with the 10-17)
~650 with the Pentax DA21mm F3.2
~300 with the Pentax DA40mm F2.8
~690 with the Pentax DA70mm F2.4
There was only one time I wished that I had something longer than 70mm – photographing para-surfers.

Other tidbits
64 photos taken as ISO25,600 (outdoors, at night)
1 order of Poutine (I had to at least once)
62 degrees F – lowest temperature recorded
101 degress F – highest temperature recorded
2 dams
1 fjord
1 ferry
1 Red Bull

Now my job is to boil this down to 2200 words and 10-15 photos.  Such is the life of a motorcycle travel writer/photographers…