The Secret Life of Trees, IV…VIII

The Secret Life of Trees, IV, originally uploaded by john m flores.

Now we are getting somewhere! The Pentax K-01 paired with the dreamy DA35mm F2.8 Macro Limited. ISO400, F2.8, 1/640.

This next one may be my favorite of the set, the beautifully abstract out of focus rendering adding drama and suspense to this flower on the verge of bloom.

The Secret Life of Trees, V

The DA35 is a wonderful wonderful lens. Makes being a Pentaxian totally worth it.

The Secret Life of Trees, VI

I’ve pushed and pulled some levers in Lightroom to increase contrast and add drama. That’s easy to do when the starting point is so nice.

The Secret Life of Trees, VII

I wouldn’t consider myself a “serious” flower shooter. No tripods and stuff for me. I prefer to work more fluidly.

The Secret Life of Trees, VIII

Conclusion: Pentax K-01 with DA35mm F2.8 Macro Limited is a potent flower combo. Manual focus with peaking makes it easy.