Tag: writing

  • Damn You, Sigma DP2m

    I should have never borrowed the Sigma DP2m from my brother. I was quite happy in my ignorance, shooting what I thought were very nice Pentax lenses on very nice Pentax bodies. But then I made the mistake of borrowing the Sigma and running a little backyard test against my brandy spankin’ new Pentax K-3…

  • Announcing NewCameraNews.com

    I’ve gotten a lot of views and compliments from the some of the funnier things posted lately. Enough to warrant it’s own website. So welcome NewCameraNews.com to the virtual world, and check it out for the latest camera “news”. WhatBlogIsThis will continue to be about my experiences with cameras and motorcycling. NewCameraNews.com is for the…

  • Sony, Nikon, Send White Men into Countryside, Await Canon, Others

    [frame from Nikon promotional video] Following the launch of new full frame cameras from both Sony and Nikon (the A7/A7r and the Df), the two giants have joined forces for a unique event, the first annual White Men in the Country Full Frame Retreat (WMCFFR). A weekend of brotherhood and full frame photography, WMCFFR is…

  • Local Man Deludes Self Again, Pre-Orders Nikon Df

    And with a click of the mouse, it was done. Local man Brett Boghus has just pre-ordered the new Nikon Df, just hours after it’s official announcement. “This is the last camera I’ll ever need. It’s got all the features that I want. So the right thing to do is to pre-order it now at…

  • Pentax K-3 Graded Cat Test.

    So I graded the cat this morning to see what I could pull from the K-3’s video. One of the lessons that I’ve learned with the Panasonic GH2 is that if you want to grade the shot in post then it’s best to shoot flat, turning down sharpness, saturation, and contrast in camera, and then…

  • Canon Congratulates Nikon on Df

    In a rare move, Canon congratulated key rival Nikon on the launch of their latest full-frame digital camera in a full page ad in the New York Times. The ad features a photo of the new Nikon Df–a full frame camera with retro styling-with the simple line, “Good Luck with that.” Following the launch of…

  • NSA Sets up Instagram Account, @NSAToday

    In a surprise announcement, the NSA announced on Thursday that they were setting up an Instagram account, @NSAToday. The idea is the brainchild of NSA intern Roger Winter, a recent graduate of American University. Winter is a DBA (DataBase Administrator) at the NSA and an avid amateur photographer. With the fastest growing collection of photography…

  • Nikon Df: The Camera that Tom Selleck has Been Waiting for

    The Nikon Df, A return to ugly. In an exclusive interview, we sat down with Nikon Df Large Team Leader Suzuki Kawasaki to discuss the inspiration and aspirations of the new dF. “When I was asked to lead the Nikon Large Df Team, I was very excited. I knew that the Df needed to be…