Sony, Nikon, Send White Men into Countryside, Await Canon, Others

[frame from Nikon promotional video]
Following the launch of new full frame cameras from both Sony and Nikon (the A7/A7r and the Df), the two giants have joined forces for a unique event, the first annual White Men in the Country Full Frame Retreat (WMCFFR). A weekend of brotherhood and full frame photography, WMCFFR is intended to bring together white male photographers of all different European heritages to walk, take photos, and bond.
[video: Nikon]
Nikon PR Manager Claire Neustadt said, “We know that it is unusual to have market competitors work together on a project like WMCFFR, be we think that this is a critically important issue. The soul of photography depends upon white men walking around pensively, capturing images that only white men can take with full frame cameras.” Sony PR Manager Nicole Jones adds, “The WMCFFR retreat is meant to foster a sense of brotherhood and bonding among white men that shoot full frame cameras.”
[photo: Sony]

During the day, the white men will go on solitary photo walks in the woods, just them and their faithful full frame camera companion, quietly contemplating and documenting the sheer wonder and beauty of the natural world. In the evening, they will return to camp and enjoy a sumptuous dinner of wild boar and pheasant as they retell stories of the day. After dinner, they will sit around the campfire in reclining chairs, drinking brandy and bourdon as they share deep thoughts about photography and rub their day old beards in reverence. Their day thus fulfilled, the men will retreat to their individual safari tents for the evening. The following morning, the men, unshaven, will go out for another day of inspiration.

[photo: Sony]

When asked about female participation in future WMCFFR events, Jones responded, “Yes, next year we hope to have models.”

[frame from Nikon promotional video]

There is no word yet whether or not Canon, Pentax, or others will send representative white men into the countryside to join their brothers.

More camera “news” can be found on