Site Traffic of Select Photography Websites, 2012

I’m in the midst of doing some market research on a project, and while I was compiling site traffic data on, curiosity got the better of me and I started looking at site traffic for some of the photography websites that I visit regularly. One thing led to another and I plotted the 2012 traffic for a whole bunch of photo websites. Here are the results:
Click on the image if you want to see it larger.

A lot of this is pretty obvious – the 800# gorilla (DP Review) is in fact an 800# gorilla. was in freefall in 2012, and had a curious June. What’s most interesting to me is that traditional publishers appear to have missed the USS Internet completely; their numbers languish in the lower third of this chart. Let’s zoom in a bit…

I haven’t included any Nikon or Canon forums simply because I don’t visit them. I’d be curious where they lie. If there’s interest, maybe the next chart will be on forums only.

You might be wondering how this information is compiled. has 2 million consumers that have agreed to have their web surfing habits tracked – sort of like a modern day Nielsen. They claim to have the largest sample of consumers out there and work hard to make sure that it’s a representative sample. I’m not sure if they track mobile usage from smartphones and tablets – I have a question into them and will update when they respond.