Sepia correction of GH2 video

Sepia correction of GH2 video, originally uploaded by john m flores.
Ok, back to the GH2. Because the GH2’s AWB effed up the WB – setting the WB to the room instead of the subject – I had to try to fix it in post. My version of Final Cut does have a WB tool (I wonder if other versions do?) and iMovie’s WB tool was giving unsatisfactory resutls, so I had to consider other options. I ended up converting to a sepia tone, with the adjustments seen here. With the sepia I was able to remove some of the hotness of the face. I was luck this time, sepia worked for the subject matter. I may not be so lucky next time…

So what were the lessons learned in this short shot?

1 – Set up a custom setting for video – 720p 60fps, manual mode, manual WB
2 – Always bring the tungsten gel for the LED light
3 – After locking focus, set to MF
4 – Try to get a deep enough DOF to minimize the need for pulling focus
5 – Get the 2.5mm to 3.5mm adaptor so you can use the lavalier in noisy situations (done)
6 – Position yourself so the subject looks into the frame
7 – Consider a handheld mic so that both you and subject can be heard (see 5)
8 – It’s hard being the camera operator and the interviewer at the same time.
9 – Work on a stronger intro
10 – Keep doing it, more and more to get better.