
  • Player Piano, originally uploaded by john m flores. Museum of Modern Art, New YorkGH2 with 20mm F1.7 @ ISO1600, F1.7, 1/80s They’ve got this performance exhibit at MOMA where they’ve cut a hole in a grand piano. Every 30 minutes a performer squeezes through the hole and plays the piano backwards while walking around this…

  • Bike outside MOMA, originally uploaded by john m flores. And then there are times when the GH2 is capable of DOF control and blurred backgrounds. This shot was with the 20mm F1.7 set to F2.5 with a shutter of 1/100 at base ISO (160). I leaned in to frame the bike, throwing the rest of…

  • GH2 Dynamic range test, originally uploaded by john m flores. Here’s an interesting one. And by interesting I don’t mean visually compelling… When I was framing this shot in the GH2’s EVF, I looked at the shadows in the lower right and left and saw nothing but black. I thought there was nothing there, but…

  • So close yet so far, originally uploaded by john m flores. Can’t replace the battery on the GH2 when a Manfrotto tripod mounting plate is attached. Boo. Surprised that they missed this. -1, Panasonic. UPDATE: A chap on correctly noted that I can rotate the mount 90 degrees and gain access to the battery.…

  • Photography at MOMA, originally uploaded by john m flores. Tested the GH2 at the Museum of Modern Art. I haven’t been here in many years. The expansion and renovation has really opened the place up – the public spaces and walkways are great for people-watching. Great collection of photos here, and a great place to…

  • Panasonic GH2 20mm F1.7 vs. Canon G10, originally uploaded by john m flores. Here’s something that vexes me about the GH2 – it sometimes feels a like a point-and-shoot, like a more advanced Canon G10. I haven’t quite put my finger on it. Is it the EVF, particularly in low light when it artificially amps…

  • New York from West New York, New Jersey, originally uploaded by john m flores. Here’s a shot taken on New Year’s Day, admiring the New York skyline from West New York, New Jersey. No joke, there’s a town called West New York in New Jersey! This shot was taken with the Panasonic GH2 mated to…

  • Tai Chi Hot Dog, originally uploaded by john m flores. This is why you should always have your camera hanging around your neck, powered on and with the lens cap off. And this is what’s intriguing about the Panasonic GH2 – with one of the pancake primes mounted, you can carry it around your neck…

  • Panasonic GH2 with Pentax DA40 F2.8 Limited (via Fotodiox adapter) vs. Pentax MX with M50/F1.7, originally uploaded by john m flores. A little throwback today. To the right is the camera that was basically my photography high school and college, the venerable Pentax MX mated to an equally venerable M50/F1.7. Fully manual. I made plenty…

  • A munchkin eats a munchkin, originally uploaded by john m flores. I’m a luck guy – I get to pick up my nephew every Thursday from daycare. If he’s been a good kid and given a sticker at school, we go to Dunkin’ Donuts and get some Munchkins as a reward. This was a good…