
  • Safe Passage, originally uploaded by john m flores. Via Flickr:Cue the nursery rhyme where the daddy’s singing to his little girl. Cue the montage – learning how to ride a bike, first boo-boo, driving friends to pop concert, meeting first boyfriend, learning how to drive, dropping off at college. Cue the big day, walking down…

  • Hello. Kitty., originally uploaded by john m flores. Via Flickr:Nate’s looking at me thinking, "Is that the GH1 that you just bought?" Why yes, Nate, it is. I’m still working to get the hang of it. 90% of it is practically identical to the GH2, but it’s that 10% that needs some sussing out. It’s…

  • Michel talks corn, originally uploaded by john m flores. Here, in a nutshell, is why I really like the Panasonic 20mm F1.7. At the kinds of working distances you encounter in social situations, the lens creates this nice 3d effect. Here, the lens is stopped down a tad to F2.0. I wish that I could…

  • Fuzzy dice, originally uploaded by john m flores. Via Flickr:A languid Friday. June. Somerville NJ. That can only mean one thing. Cruise Night, the night when Main Street turns into a fashion runway, and the latest styles from the 40s, 50s, 60s, and 70s are rolled out of garages all over the area to converge…

  • Japanese Maple, originally uploaded by john m flores. I haven’t been shooting much lately, so apologies for letting the blog lie fallow. Part of the reason – I had to send my GH2 back to Panasonic. A ProSpec SD card got stuck and when I pulled it out with some force a small bit stayed…

  • It’s not quite done yet – no website ever is – but I’ve been working on a website to showcase my work. Check it: What’s cool about it is that the photos are being pulled from sets that I’ve created on Flickr. If I want to change or re-arrange the photos, all I have…

  • The Citizens Campaign Celebration of Leadership, originally uploaded by john m flores. The Pentax K-x got another workout – shooting The Citizens Campaign Celebration of Leadership dinner. Honored guests included New Jersey Governors Brendan Byrne and Tom Kean along with their sons Tom Byrne and Senator Tom Kean Jr. The K-x mated to the DA*50-135…

  • Small camera, big picture, originally uploaded by john m flores. Canon G10 does a two page, full-color spread in the latest issue of RoadRUNNER Magazine. Not bad for a camera you can fit in your cargo shorts…

  • Still from Kenney Interview, originally uploaded by john m flores. Ten years ago, getting a clean 2 megapixel still image was a technical challenge. I’m now getting quality like this at 24FPS. Pretty crazy…

  • Frank Kenney being interviewed for The Citizens Campaign, originally uploaded by john m flores. Shot a couple of interviews yesterday. Here’s the setting for one of them. The GH2 and all the related camera and audio gear fit in a backpack while the lights fit in a large bag. A great mobile kit! Gear is…