
  • Via Flickr:It’s old school Italian. Very nice.

  • Mike Johnston, aka The Online Photographer, recently asked his readers, “Why do you choose a camera?” The two choices he offered were simple: “Results trump everything else” “Results are important, but other things are important or more so.” The answers were quite telling, with many assuming that “results” meant “image quality”. I disagree. Sometimes getting the result…

  • Via Flickr:Pentax K-01 with FA 31mm F1.8 Limited @ 1/125s, f/1.8, ISO1600

  • Via Flickr:Nikon 1 V1 with 1 Nikkor 10mm f/2.8 @ 1/15, f/2.8, ISO1000, NEF

  • Hey Pentax, I’ve got a new advertising campaign for the K-01… “Pentax K-01 – the Pontiac Aztec of Cameras” Funny, huh? I crack myself up sometimes. Now I’ve gotta admit that the K-01 is almost universally derided by the online camera commentscenti. Most of them have never held one in their hands and are ignoring…

  • An ancient, crappy Pentax K20d with a seriously deficient APS-C sensor took this really awful photo. I really should just burn it.

  • Pentax Q, late at night, after the opening of a friend’s photography show. A bunch of us, mostly photogs and other visual/creative types, are having a beer and some ribs at Dinosaur BBQ. The Q sits quietly on the table until it’s called upon, then it’s all ISO3200, manual focusing, and just trying to grab…

  • Pentax Q @ ISO3200 in a Mexican restaurant lit primarily with holiday lights shaped like little jalapeño peppers. The Q really hits a good spot for me – a small, camera that I can carry everywhere. I am rediscovering the idea that the maniacal pursuit of “image quality” is a rabbit hole and can actually…

  • Ok, I’m sitting here at my desk with like a million things to do and two million lame excuses not to do them. “I know – instead of getting some work done, I’ll conduct a memory card test! That’s the ticket – some guy on the Internet asked about what memory card to buy for…

  • I gotta tell you, I love my little town. As a kid, I used to come and watch theTour of Somerville, the oldest bicycle race in the country. It was fun, but the town seemed to lack something…a spark. That spark was the vibrancy of downtown commerce. A mall had opened up about a mile…