
  • Reuter’s Jason Reed takes a stunning and I mean stunning photo of Ted Cruz

    This photo simply stopped me in my tracks. I can imagine the situation-a scrum of reporters and photographers jostling around Ted Cruz. And in this madness, a lightbulb goes off in Jason Reed’s head, and he gets this angle. Wow. Even the disembodied audio recorders and microphones – the way that they envelope Cruz –…

  • A Short Rant: The Sometimes Tempestuous Relationship with the Nikon V1

    My what a short memory I have! Just a couple of weeks ago I was waxing poetically about the Nikon 1 system, claiming that the V1 was going to become my primary motorcycle travel camera. There’s a lot to like about it–the compact body and lenses, the lightning quick AF and FPS, the solid build,…

  • Razor Thin Depth of Field is a Harsh Mistress

    I recently participated in a discussion on PentaxForums where members noted Canon’s apparent dominance in DSLR video. The premise was that while Panasonic gets a lot of attention online for their GH line of cameras, most people encountered in the real world are shooting with Canon DSLRs at the center of their rigs. It’s something…

  • We’ve received word from John Carlsson, Senior Marketing Manager at Ricoh Imaging USA. No RAW video. Read my lips. No RAW video. Well, it was fun while it lasted.

  • The above is a screengrab from, a popular video forum. While they’ve got plenty of sections on ENG style video cams and such, they’ve also got a booming HDSLR section featuring the front-runners in the space–Panasonic, Canon, and Nikon. Sony’s got it’s own section for everything from the prosumer NEX to their full-framed F…

  • So here are some leaked shots of the upcoming Pentax K-3, the new APS-C flagship. Of particular note is the headphone jack and lever to switch between stills and video modes. This last piece is particularly interesting, as most cameras have a video selector on the mode dial. That way works, but selecting between Program…

  • And so a scant few days after posting the rumored Pentax K-3, I find myself wondering it it’s time to move away from the Pentax K-mount. A number of things have happened in the last six months to bring me to this point. One, I’ve really grown to like the Nikon V1 and am considering…

  • The rumor mill is on overdrive right now, speculating about the highly-anticipated (to Pentaxicans at least) K-5 replacement. Everyone’s been calling it the K-3 assuming that the number four bears some taboo in Japan, and this early spy photo suggests that will be the name. But looky here, is the K-3 really smaller than the…

  • I’ve got a bookshelf full of primes for four different systems–Pentax K, Micro Four-Thirds, Nikon 1, and Pentax Q. I love them dearly, appreciating the diminutive size (when compared to zooms), and photon gathering capabilities. And I also really appreciate their zeitgeist, a notion of elegance and simplicity made manifest in glass, metal, and plastic.…