I leave Montello, Nevada for what will be the longest stretch of the trip between charging opportunities so far. “The road aims straight for the distant, jagged horizon as shimmering heat haze rises from the baking asphalt. The Zero hums along at a leisurely pace. Desert grass grows in clumps in the sandy soil, green…
I got a new toy to help me prepare for the Unbound Gravel 100 mile race in May – a smart trainer and a virtual training world. It’s all in the Substack – https://johnmflores.substack.com/p/virtual-endless-summer?r=2rzwg It’s a minor PITA to be posting stuff in multiple places. Still unsure of how to deal with it….
The 2025 Unbound Gravel 100 mile race, that’s what!
“If any of those who read this ever have ridden in one of the bowls made of slats that are known as cycle whirls, a very fair idea can be formed by them of what bouncing over railroad ties on a cycle is like unto. I have ridden an ordinary bicycle in a cycle whirl…
Longtime friend Annick Magac is starting a motorcycle podcast – Féroce, which means fierce in French. The podcast is going to be about motorcycles and creativity, which is a cool intersection to discuss. We had a good time catching up and talking about my motorcycle writing and photography, including chatting about George A. Wyman, my…
Day three on the Great Allegheny Passage (GAP) Trail, from the new hiker-biker campground in Ohiopyle to Meyersdale, Pennsylvania. It’s 41 miles today and a long and steady uphill. Lots of cool bridges and tunnels along the way. I’m riding a Bike Friday All Packa folding gravel bike. Video and photos shot by me on…
“…to tell the whole truth, I went to bed thoroughly disgusted with my bargain. I felt as if I was a fool for attempting to cross the continent on a motor bicycle. I was tired of sand and sagebrush and railroad ties. My back ached, and I fell asleep feeling as if I did not…
I received a great comment/question about Walmart’s $248 Ozark Trail G.1 Explorer (that name’s a mouthful!) on YouTube the other day: And it got me thinking. I don’t have any experience with the other Walmart bikes mentioned, so I can’t really say how they ride. KevCentral did ride them, and was pretty complimentary of the…
The G.1 Explorer has impressed so far. It’s a surprisingly solidly built bike at its price point. And, unlike many other bikes sold at Walmart, it uses industry-standard parts and thus can be repaired and upgraded quite easily. The G.1 Explorer impressed on its first local ride with its general competence. And it impressed on…
Walmart’s $248 Ozark Trail G.1 Explorer gravel bike continues to generate a lot of online buzz, which, if you think about it, is where most of the world’s buzz comes from these days – online. Much of the discussion revolves around the dichotomy between bicycles sold at bike shops vs. bicycles sold at big box…