July 16, 2016-Quiet Morning in the Desert

“If any of those who read this ever have ridden in one of the bowls made of slats that are known as cycle whirls, a very fair idea can be formed by them of what bouncing over railroad ties on a cycle is like unto. I have ridden an ordinary bicycle in a cycle whirl and know that it is similar in the sensation it affords to that of cycling over the ties. Before I had traveled half of the desert I was having trouble with my inner organs, and violent pains in the region of the kidneys compelled occasional dismounts and rests.”

George A Wyman

My cross country adventure continues across the harsh landscapes of Nevada that continue to challenge Wyman. My trip is a cakewalk in comparison, my main challenges being the heat and charging the Zero electric motorcycle. I had not spent much time in Nevada before this, but I am overwhelmed by the stark beauty of the place.

Following Wyman: An Electric Motorcycle Adventure continues here: https://followingwyman.substack.com/p/july-16-2016-quiet-morning-in-the