In the Tire Tracks of a Pioneer

In 1903, an unknown bicycle racer named George A. Wyman rode a 1.25 horsepower California motorcycle from San Francisco to New York City. He was the first person to cross the country with a motor vehicle – car or motorcycle. After a brief period of fame, he faded from history.

In the summer of 2016, I followed Wyman’s route on a Zero electric motorcycle. I visited many of the towns that Wyman visited and looked for traces of his journey. I was the third person to ride an electric motorcycle self-supported across the country.

In 2017 and 2018, a five part story about my trip appeared in the pages of RoadRUNNER Magazine, the largest motorcycle touring magazine in the country and I have presented Wyman’s story at Americade, the BMW Riders Association Rally, Ireland Bikefest, and RoadRUNNER’s Touring Weekend.

I am currently working on a book. Wyman’s story has been lost to history and my hope is to give him the credit that he deserves as the father of the cross country road trip.

Wyman Posts

  • July 17, 2016-Welcome to Utah

    I leave Montello, Nevada for what will be the longest stretch of the trip between charging opportunities so far. “The road aims straight for the distant, jagged horizon as shimmering heat haze rises from the baking asphalt. The Zero hums along at a leisurely pace. Desert grass grows in clumps in the sandy soil, green…

  • July 16, 2016-Quiet Morning in the Desert

    “If any of those who read this ever have ridden in one of the bowls made of slats that are known as cycle whirls, a very fair idea can be formed by them of what bouncing over railroad ties on a cycle is like unto. I have ridden an ordinary bicycle in a cycle whirl…

  • Check out the Féroce Podcast

    Longtime friend Annick Magac is starting a motorcycle podcast – Féroce, which means fierce in French. The podcast is going to be about motorcycles and creativity, which is a cool intersection to discuss. We had a good time catching up and talking about my motorcycle writing and photography, including chatting about George A. Wyman, my…

  • July 15, 2016-Saturday Night in Elko, Nevada

    “…to tell the whole truth, I went to bed thoroughly disgusted with my bargain. I felt as if I was a fool for attempting to cross the continent on a motor bicycle. I was tired of sand and sagebrush and railroad ties. My back ached, and I fell asleep feeling as if I did not…

  • July 15, 2016 – I Charge Across Nevada

    In this chapter of “Following Wyman: An Electric Motorcycle Adventure” I find places to charge in the desert while Wyman struggles. Check it out on Substack: #Motorcycle, #ev, #electricmotorcycle, #substack, #writing, #Nevada

  • July 15, 2016: Leaving Lovelock…and the challenges of crossing Nevada

    Telling this story is truly a labor of love for me. I wrote a 6-part series for RoadRUNNER Magazine, but felt that, even with that, there were photos and stories that didn’t make it to publication. So now, that longer story is online, and I hope that others with a sense of adventure bump into…

  • Across the Forty Mile Desert

    The next chapter of my electric cross-country adventure is now on Substack. I’m still in Nevada, spellbound by it’s rugged beauty and gobsmacked at how George A. Wyman and others before him crossed these vast, inhospitable distances.

  • Wyman 06 – Into the Desert

    I finally leave the safe confines of California – and it’s relative abundance of EV charging stations – for the literal and figurative deserts of Nevada…

  • The Sound of Zero

    Have you ever heard an electric motorcycle before? Whaddya think? From my electric cross country roadtrip in 2016. Visit “In the Tire Tracks of George A. Wyman” on Substack for more.

  • 05-Up and Over the Sierra Nevada

    After a long hiatus, chapter 5 of my Wyman story on Substack is published.