“Coney Island”

“Coney Island”, originally uploaded by john m flores.
This part of the park is known as Coney Island due to the twists and turns and ups and downs of the trail here. Fun stuff.

It’s a challenge shooting in the snow – you normally need to overexpose a bit to make the snow white but you also need to watch out for blown highlights. The Panasonic GH2 performed admirably here – you can see the contours and features in the snow. There is a little bit blown out just down and left from center. I’ve dealt with it by sliding the LR3 Recovery slider full right, but it’s still an issue – there’s no data in there from which to recover any textures.

In order to get the texture in the snow, we’ve had to sacrifice detail in the trees – there’s not a lot of shadow detail here. Another shot where I wonder if the Pentax K-5 could have really shown off its dynamic range.

Overall, a decent performance from the GH2. At the end of the day, no camera’s perfect, so you’ve got to work around the limitations when necessary.