Category: Motorcycles
July 17, 2016-Welcome to Utah
I leave Montello, Nevada for what will be the longest stretch of the trip between charging opportunities so far. “The road aims straight for the distant, jagged horizon as shimmering heat haze rises from the baking asphalt. The Zero hums along at a leisurely pace. Desert grass grows in clumps in the sandy soil, green…
July 16, 2016-Quiet Morning in the Desert
“If any of those who read this ever have ridden in one of the bowls made of slats that are known as cycle whirls, a very fair idea can be formed by them of what bouncing over railroad ties on a cycle is like unto. I have ridden an ordinary bicycle in a cycle whirl…
Check out the Féroce Podcast
Longtime friend Annick Magac is starting a motorcycle podcast – Féroce, which means fierce in French. The podcast is going to be about motorcycles and creativity, which is a cool intersection to discuss. We had a good time catching up and talking about my motorcycle writing and photography, including chatting about George A. Wyman, my…
2023 BMW R 1250 RS story published in “On The Level”
“But the RS scratches the sport-touring bike itch in a way that the RT and (even the new) GS just can’t. This isn’t a matter of which one is faster or which one is better. This is a matter of feel—how connected I feel to the bike and to the moment. That kinesthetic high that…
July 15, 2016: Leaving Lovelock…and the challenges of crossing Nevada
Telling this story is truly a labor of love for me. I wrote a 6-part series for RoadRUNNER Magazine, but felt that, even with that, there were photos and stories that didn’t make it to publication. So now, that longer story is online, and I hope that others with a sense of adventure bump into…
INTERVIEW with Greg Tada, Motorcycle Designer
in MotorcyclesHad a great discussion with motorcycle designer Greg Tada about his journey to becoming a motorcycle designer, his design influences and idols, and his advice for aspiring motorcycle designers.
Witness: August 21, 2017, Mackay, Idaho
It was just another beautiful morning in the high desert. I put on the solar glasses and tracked the moon’s collision course with the sun. I nommed on an energy bar, chatted with my neighbors, and looking up again, I saw the sun then half-obscured, but everything else seemed normal. Only at 80-percent coverage did…
Great is the Motorcycle!
Looks like #motorcycle#motorcycle #riders#riders were already #hooning#hooning back in 1905. EDIT: The Internet can be a fun place sometimes. After I posted this news clip on Reddit, I was contacted (via LinkedIn) by a motorcycle who lived in South Pasadena and got a kick out of it. He happened to be a motorcycle designer, and…
The Sound of Zero
Have you ever heard an electric motorcycle before? Whaddya think? From my electric cross country roadtrip in 2016. Visit “In the Tire Tracks of George A. Wyman” on Substack for more.
BMW Motorrad 100th Anniversary at the BMW Riders Association 2023 National Rally
In September, 2023, we created the number “100” out of BMW motorcycles at the BMW Riders Association national rally in Davis, West Virginia to celebrate the 100th anniversary of BMW Motorrad. It took a lot of volunteers, perfect weather conditions, and a bunch of eager BMW owners willing to wake up early to make it…