Category: History

  • July 16, 2016-Quiet Morning in the Desert

    July 16, 2016-Quiet Morning in the Desert

    “If any of those who read this ever have ridden in one of the bowls made of slats that are known as cycle whirls, a very fair idea can be formed by them of what bouncing over railroad ties on a cycle is like unto. I have ridden an ordinary bicycle in a cycle whirl…

  • Great is the Motorcycle!

    Great is the Motorcycle!

    Looks like #motorcycle#motorcycle #riders#riders were already #hooning#hooning back in 1905. EDIT: The Internet can be a fun place sometimes. After I posted this news clip on Reddit, I was contacted (via LinkedIn) by a motorcycle who lived in South Pasadena and got a kick out of it. He happened to be a motorcycle designer, and…