Destination Unknown

20 years ago, I started a second career as a motorcycle journalist, and I’ve been lucky enough to see many of the beautiful places in the world and publishing stories and photos of my adventures. I’ve started documenting my bicycle adventures in a similar fashion, and will be sharing those stories here. Please join me.

“The idea is to die young as late as possible

Ashley Montagu

The Latest Stuff…

  • I shot this after my snowshoe last weekend. Like RIGHT after, as you can see LOL!Shot in Intelligent Movie mode, which is basically an “I don’t know what the heck I’m doing so I’m just going to press this Red button and hope it all comes out nice” mode. This is not like me, giving…

  • Cattails (aka Punks), originally uploaded by john m flores. Another fine performance by the GH2 and the 20mm F1.7. There’s a little bit of flare behind the punks in the foreground. I’m going to have to fashion a hood of sorts; something along the lines Pentax’s DA21 or DA40 Limited hoods would look very cool…

  • Punked, originally uploaded by john m flores. Just printed this out on a sheet of glossy letter size paper on a Canon i9900. Clean and rich with deep blues. No sign of the low-ISO noise problem that many are talking about. Well, maybe there’s a little pattern noise visible under an 8x loupe, but at…

  • 2 Cameras, 6 Bananas, originally uploaded by john m flores. Here’s a side by side of the photos. The colors of the GH2 are punchier for sure. But as I said before, the K20d’s colors were more representative of the actual scene. Is Panasonic punching up the colors on purpose? We do live in an…

  • 3 Bananas, 2 Cameras, originally uploaded by john m flores. What you see here are Pentax bananas. Not nearly as appealing as Panasonic bananas, but truer to life. I was pretty surprised to see the difference side by side, in RAW files, not JPGs. We’ll have to dissect this – the photos, not the bananas…

  • 3 Bananas, 2 Cameras, originally uploaded by john m flores. Ok, so this isn’t terribly exciting. What is interesting is that I took photos of the bananas with the Panasonic GH2 and Pentax K20d at similar settings – ISO 400 and ~40mm. I had the 20mm F1.7 on the Panasonic and the DA*16-50 F2.8 on…

  • Golden girl, originally uploaded by john m flores. Panasonic GH2 with 14-140/F4.0-5.8131mm (262mm 35mm eq)1/2000 @ F6.3, ISO200 I’m enjoying having a long lens again – it’s (re)opening creative possibilities.This one is sharp. You can clearly see the statue’s hand resting on the hilt of the sword and the draining holes in the scales. There…

  • You need to get your head examined, originally uploaded by john m flores. We, and I mean the royal we, seem to be obsessed with sharpness and image quality and dynamic range and ISO. These are things related to the craft of photography, and as important as they are, they are not the only thing.…

  • “Coney Island”, originally uploaded by john m flores. This part of the park is known as Coney Island due to the twists and turns and ups and downs of the trail here. Fun stuff. It’s a challenge shooting in the snow – you normally need to overexpose a bit to make the snow white but…

  • Greenery, originally uploaded by john m flores. Some natural light and some green. FINALLY. A chance to see how the Panasonic GH2 handles color, and the cold. Lucked out today, as the afternoon sun was delicious. I’ll be posting shots from today in the days to come, with observations on the camera’s abilities out of…