Destination Unknown

20 years ago, I started a second career as a motorcycle journalist, and I’ve been lucky enough to see many of the beautiful places in the world and publishing stories and photos of my adventures. I’ve started documenting my bicycle adventures in a similar fashion, and will be sharing those stories here. Please join me.

“The idea is to die young as late as possible

Ashley Montagu

The Latest Stuff…

  • Heading up to Vermont for my next story, this time with a trio of Pentaxes (K-5 with DA70mm F2.4, K-01 with DA21mm F3.2, Q with 01 Prime and 03 Fish Eye) as well as a couple of POV video cameras (Contour ROAM and the new CamOne.) And you thought the Q was the smallest camera…

  • It’s not like I plan on using the Q as my low light camera of choice, but it’s comforting to know that it’s mildly ok. And that’s not damning with faint praise. Not in the least.

  • Where’s moto?

  • Dear Pentax, back when I owned a Ricoh GX100 one of the cool little features that the camera had (and proved to me that the camera was designed by photographers and for photographers) is the play button. If the camera was off and you wanted to show your photos to someone, you did not have…

  • This is a two-wheeled SUV. But unlike the porcine four wheeled rigs driven by soccer moms, this thing really hauls. It puts the Sport back into SUV. For reals. Taken with the Pentax Q with the 01 Prime, my current go-to motocam. I hang it around my neck and ride.

  • Never noticed this before. Will have to test with other cameras.

  • Recently went to Philly for day with his kit. The Q was for me, and the K-01 was for my wife. Truth told, the K-01 didn’t see the light of day as the purpose of the trip was not photography and the Q was used when walking about and playing around. Yes, the Q is…

  • .flickr-photo { border: solid 2px #000000; }.flickr-yourcomment { }.flickr-frame { text-align: left; padding: 3px; }.flickr-caption { font-size: 0.8em; margin-top: 0px; } Recently went to Philly for day with his kit. The Q was for me, and the K-01 was for my wife. Truth told, the K-01 didn’t see the light of day as the purpose…

  • The Q is proving to be a challenging street shooting camera, primarily due to its slowness. Startup is kind of slow, AF is kind of slow, shot-to-shot time is kind of slow, shutter release is kind of slow. Still, it’s hard to leave behind at the moment, and I always try to make do with…

  • The Q is proving to be a challenging street shooting camera, primarily due to its slowness. Startup is kind of slow, AF is kind of slow, shot-to-shot time is kind of slow, shutter release is kind of slow. Still, it’s hard to leave behind at the moment, and I always try to make do with…