Destination Unknown

20 years ago, I started a second career as a motorcycle journalist, and I’ve been lucky enough to see many of the beautiful places in the world and publishing stories and photos of my adventures. I’ve started documenting my bicycle adventures in a similar fashion, and will be sharing those stories here. Please join me.

“The idea is to die young as late as possible

Ashley Montagu

The Latest Stuff…

  • I’ve been ultra-conservative with my exposures lately underexposing by as much as a stop to prevent blowing out highlight. Of course there are situations where you have to in order to get a properly exposed subject, but as good as the dynamic range and the latitude is of the K-5, recovering important highlights that have…

  • The Pentax K-5 and DA* 50-135 have been neglected lately, as I’ve opted for the smaller and lighter cameras with smaller sensors when I need reach. But it’s good to bring out the (comparatively) big gear once in a while and give it a workout. And for the most part, it doesn’t disappoint. AF is…

  • Gloves + Mittens = “Glomitts” My wife and I made up that name. I have no idea what they are really called. Wait, I found them; EMS calls them “Convertible Mittens.” How boring. I’m going to continue calling the “Glomitts” and encourage you to do the same. Here they are: If you look at the thumb…

  • I’m a firm believer in starting the New Year doing what you want to do all year. For me, that’s taking photos, writing, and eating homemade pizza. I didn’t get a run or motorcycle ride in today, but there are only so many hours in the day… I hemmed and hawed this morning—should I go…

  • My friend Sandy and I go out from breakfast once in a while. Our friendship started with motorcycles but has expanded into photography and other things. It’s always a good time, and time that passes by too quickly. On this cold December day we sat by the windows of the Phoenix Cafe, basking in the early…

  • My friend Sandy and I go out from breakfast once in a while. Our friendship started with motorcycles but has expanded into photography and other things. It’s always a good time, and time that passes by too quickly. On this cold December day we sat by the windows of the Phoenix Cafe, basking in the early…

  • Pentax MX, a fast fifty, and whatever film you an scrounge up as you wander through the rubble.

  • Nikon 1 V1 @ Somerville Jazz Festival

    I’m loving the fast AF of the V1 and the pretty darn good image quality in a small package aspect of it. I’m just not feeling the user experience though. Feels good in hand, but I feel like I’m operating a computer not a camera. Having long reach in a small package is really nice…