Destination Unknown

20 years ago, I started a second career as a motorcycle journalist, and I’ve been lucky enough to see many of the beautiful places in the world and publishing stories and photos of my adventures. I’ve started documenting my bicycle adventures in a similar fashion, and will be sharing those stories here. Please join me.

“The idea is to die young as late as possible

Ashley Montagu

The Latest Stuff…

  • Been distracted by this thing called “work” lately so I haven’t been able to post. But I wanted to stop in and make sure that there’s actually a photo (instead of a chart) at the top of the page….Taken with the ever-handy Pentax Q with the 01 Standard Prime. I take it with me nearly…

  • So how much does it cost to build a 3-prime kit with one of those fancy new mirrorless/CSC cameras? Now I’ve written a lot about the quality of the Pentax K-01 images, and you can get a nice 3 prime setup for just under $1500. But cheaper still is a Sony NEX with the 5n…

  • Heading out soon to photograph my friends’ precocious little one year old. This is what I’m bringing: Pentax K-5 with gripK-01DA21mm F3.2 LimitedDA70mm F2.4 LimitedFA31mm F1.8 LimitedFA43mm F1.9 Limited That’s it. I was going to bring the DA* zooms but then I looked at the photos I’d taken six months ago and the DA70 and…

  • …A new piece of gear, the Pentax FA43mm F1.9 Limited lens. I’ve been gravitating towards Pentax lenses with aperture rings lately, so that I can control the aperture when shooting video with my Panasonic GH2. I have a Pentax K-Micro Four-Thirds adapter with an aperture ring, but it’s never instilled confidence in its construction, and…

  • FYI, I started a group on Google + where it’s all about the photos – Photo Critique. No gear discussion is allowed and we operate by one simple rule – we ask that everyone that posts a photo give back to the community by critiquing another photo in the group. That’s it. We of course expect civil…

  • FYI, I started a group on Google + where it’s all about the photos – Photo Critique. No gear discussion is allowed and we operate by one simple rule – we ask that everyone that posts a photo give back to the community by critiquing another photo in the group. That’s it. We of course expect civil…

  • There are those days where most of it is spent doing what you must do, not what you want to do. The stuff that pays the mortgage and keeps the client/boss/higher-up/whomever happy, but otherwise feels like a prison, no matter how gilded they may be. Ain’t adulthood grand? I just had one of those days,…

  • There are those days where most of it is spent doing what you must do, not what you want to do. The stuff that pays the mortgage and keeps the client/boss/higher-up/whomever happy, but otherwise feels like a prison, no matter how gilded they may be. Ain’t adulthood grand? I just had one of those days,…

  • Nikon V1 + 18.5mm f/1.8 go to a Birthday Party

    In my continuing quest to test the limits of the Nikon V1 and 18.5mm f/1.8 lens, I took the camera to my great-niece’s second birthday. The setting is a typical house interior (dimly lit for photography purposes) on a cold winter day. In other words, not a lot of light. For this test, I also…

  • High FPS with the Nikon 1 V1 indoors

    Playing around with the 30FPS RAW of the Nikon 1 V1. The fast 50 (18.5mm f/1.8) helps here in the dim indoor light. I’ve actually had to halve the number of frames in order to keep file size down. The high speed performance of the Nikon 1 really is fun and makes five, six, and…