Destination Unknown

20 years ago, I started a second career as a motorcycle journalist, and I’ve been lucky enough to see many of the beautiful places in the world and publishing stories and photos of my adventures. I’ve started documenting my bicycle adventures in a similar fashion, and will be sharing those stories here. Please join me.

“The idea is to die young as late as possible

Ashley Montagu

The Latest Stuff…

  • There are a lot of enthusiasts and amateurs out there wondering what it takes to be a professional photographer. Well, listen closely, because I’m going to tell you, and it’s going to blow your mind. It’s more important than years of education and training, more important than talent, more important than vision, more important than…

  • Reuter’s Jason Reed takes a stunning and I mean stunning photo of Ted Cruz

    This photo simply stopped me in my tracks. I can imagine the situation-a scrum of reporters and photographers jostling around Ted Cruz. And in this madness, a lightbulb goes off in Jason Reed’s head, and he gets this angle. Wow. Even the disembodied audio recorders and microphones – the way that they envelope Cruz –…

  • A Short Rant: The Sometimes Tempestuous Relationship with the Nikon V1

    My what a short memory I have! Just a couple of weeks ago I was waxing poetically about the Nikon 1 system, claiming that the V1 was going to become my primary motorcycle travel camera. There’s a lot to like about it–the compact body and lenses, the lightning quick AF and FPS, the solid build,…

  • Razor Thin Depth of Field is a Harsh Mistress

    I recently participated in a discussion on PentaxForums where members noted Canon’s apparent dominance in DSLR video. The premise was that while Panasonic gets a lot of attention online for their GH line of cameras, most people encountered in the real world are shooting with Canon DSLRs at the center of their rigs. It’s something…

  • We’ve received word from John Carlsson, Senior Marketing Manager at Ricoh Imaging USA. No RAW video. Read my lips. No RAW video. Well, it was fun while it lasted.

  • The above is a screengrab from, a popular video forum. While they’ve got plenty of sections on ENG style video cams and such, they’ve also got a booming HDSLR section featuring the front-runners in the space–Panasonic, Canon, and Nikon. Sony’s got it’s own section for everything from the prosumer NEX to their full-framed F…

  • So here are some leaked shots of the upcoming Pentax K-3, the new APS-C flagship. Of particular note is the headphone jack and lever to switch between stills and video modes. This last piece is particularly interesting, as most cameras have a video selector on the mode dial. That way works, but selecting between Program…

  • And so a scant few days after posting the rumored Pentax K-3, I find myself wondering it it’s time to move away from the Pentax K-mount. A number of things have happened in the last six months to bring me to this point. One, I’ve really grown to like the Nikon V1 and am considering…

  • The rumor mill is on overdrive right now, speculating about the highly-anticipated (to Pentaxicans at least) K-5 replacement. Everyone’s been calling it the K-3 assuming that the number four bears some taboo in Japan, and this early spy photo suggests that will be the name. But looky here, is the K-3 really smaller than the…