Logan plays with an iPhone (video)

Logan plays with an iPhone from john flores on Vimeo.

Logan and I went to the River Star Diner for dinner the other night. He’s an active little bugger – has a hard time sitting still. So after imploring him several times to use his inside voice and sit, I gave him my iPhone to play with. He’s got a couple of games there that he likes, so it’s an instant babysitter!

I shoot these little videos to practice and learn from my mistakes. I’ve graduated from iA Movie mode (720p, 60FPS) to manual shooting after having trouble with WB in another shot. I was curious to see how 24FPS would handle the movement of Logan’s hands as he plays an iPhone flying game. Light in the diner was dim – not romantic restaurant dim, but dim enough – and had a yellow cast. At first I stabilized the camera on the table, and then reframed slightly.

Shot with the Panasonic GH2 with 20mm F1.7 @ (IIRC) ISO800, 1/50s, F2.0, 24FPS. Manual mode with WB set to tungsten. If you hear a click early on, that’s me setting the AF to manual so that the camera doesn’t hunt repeatedly between the phone and his face.