Nate, Outside

Nate, Outside, originally uploaded by john m flores.

I haven’t shot the 14-140 much, primarily because it’s been a cold, dark winter and the lens isn’t that fast. But the sun did come out the other day, so I took the 14-140 out as we had out lunch in the backyard. As you can see, we took the cats too. They are indoor cats with their front paws declawed, but we bring them out on leashes so that they can act like little tigers.

Enough about the cats though, the 14-140 was a pleasant surprise in good light – sharp, quiet, quick to focus, and offering enough OOF to make things interesting, as this shot @ F7.1 demonstrates. Truth told, I was going to sell the lens, but then I told myself to wait until the sun came out. I’m glad that I did.