Lost in thought

Lost in thought
Pentax Q @ ISO3200 in a Mexican restaurant lit primarily with holiday lights shaped like little jalapeño peppers.

The Q really hits a good spot for me – a small, camera that I can carry everywhere. I am rediscovering the idea that the maniacal pursuit of “image quality” is a rabbit hole and can actually be a barrier to creativity. It’s actually fun to put IQ aside and just play.

In this venue, I turn off the AF assist light and manually focus. I’ve got effects modes on the Quick Dial and of course more options in Lightroom.

What I really want for the Q is a moderate wide, something like a 28mm equivalent f/2.0 or something. Its funny, because I nearly have that with the Nikon V1 (28mm EQ, f/2.8), and when I take that camera with me I long for a 50mm EQ.